The 10 Reasons People Are Moving
by Chris Petry
Why are people moving? Well, now there’s a loaded question if I’ve ever heard one! There are countless reasons why someone might sell their home, move to another neighborhood, city, state, or country, and begin a new life. Today, however, we’re going to try and address ten of the most popular reasons people are moving as of January, 2024.
Getting Closer to Family
One of the primary motivations of movers nationwide is family. Soon to be or existing grandparents may jump for joy at the opportunity to be closer to and/or spend more time with their grandchildren. Of course, THEIR children, at the peak of their professional careers, will likely appreciate the extra help with childcare and the opportunity to provide more immediate assistance to their aging parents when necessary.
They Need More Space
It’s as simple as that! Look at it this way: If you’re living in a one-bedroom or studio apartment or a small starter home and you plan to expand your family, you’re going to need more space. As your socioeconomic standing improves and you acquire stuff (furniture, collections, sporting and workout equipment, cars, boats, motorcycles, tools, etc.) you’ll need space to store everything without compromising basic living space. Maybe it’s always been your dream to have a large garage for hobby car restoration, you need another bathroom to accommodate a growing family, or perhaps you just need a designated area for your sports memorabilia or comic book collection… whatever it is, you need more room. So, people are moving to meet their growing space requirements.
They Need Less Space
There are two defining moments in a homeowner’s journey: when they buy their dream home and when/if they decide to sell it. If they’re retired and living on a fixed income, their children have moved away, or they’re just exhausted from the utility bills, upkeep, cleaning, and remodeling of a larger home, they’ve probably considered the many advantages to downsizing.
Housing Costs
Over the last few years, people have, for a number of reasons, decided to relocate to more economically viable markets. We reported here, in this very blog, just a few weeks ago how the Pittsburgh and Cleveland metropolitan statistical areas were holding their own against historically-larger housing markets. Why? Average home prices are more favorable to the average American’s budget. In fact, the cost of living based on almost any metric (including health expenses, groceries, and utilities) is less expensive. Buying a home in Southwestern, Pennsylvania or Northeastern, Ohio just makes sense. Especially if you have a job that permits you to work virtually, another trend that has driven many moves over the last four years. Why wouldn’t you want to live in a more affordable housing market, freeing up more of your hard-earned dollars?
In addition to the aforementioned virtual workers moving to more affordable markets, there’s also the age-old tradition of relocating to a different market to obtain a new job. Perhaps their current company is relocating or an unrelated opportunity presented itself to them. Maybe they work in an industry or field that simply provides less opportunity in their native market. For instance, if you want to be in the acting or modeling business, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Toronto will provide far more opportunity than say Harrisburg or Youngstown. Conversely, if blue collar jobs like logging, farming, and mining are of more interest to you, you’re likely to have more success in a market where they compromise a greater percentage of the local revenue.
Living and working in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, I’ve routinely heard from Butler, Armstrong, Westmoreland, Jefferson, and Mercer County residents that there are major savings to be had on your annual property tax bill. Whether a longer commute or the potential loss of your beloved amenities is worth the tax savings, that’s up to you.
On a national level, a number of high-profile personalities and businesses have relocated their Corporate Headquarters to more business-favorable tax markets in recent years. Of course, when that business relocates, many of their employees do too. Regardless of where one stands on tax rates and incentives, it’s undeniable that tax rates have and do influence real estate purchases, both commercial and residential.
Upgrading Their Neighborhood
Another reason people have been relocating is to better match their neighborhood and their personal housing needs. Perhaps they want to live in a more walkable community where they can obtain their most basic needs via a quick stroll around the block. Maybe they want to keep livestock or have more space to garden, they desire more parking, or more or less of a front yard and all the maintenance that comes with it.
Schools, businesses, job opportunities, and local infrastructure can motivate many to relocate to a new neighborhood. It’s worth keeping in mind that nowhere is objectively better than anywhere else. The goal is to select the neighborhood that best represents you and your family’s needs.
People are more conscious of health and wellness than ever before. There’s a reason a new gym opens on your block every other month. There’s a reason people are doing more independent research into their diets, water supplies, and family medical histories. I don’t know who said it first but, “focus more time on the things you can change and less on the things you can’t.” More people than ever are choosing to live and work in environments that better allow them to prioritize their physical and mental wellbeing, not just their finances.
Cities and communities that make steps to clean up their environment, provide ample outdoor recreational opportunity, and take steps to create a greener more sustainable future are more appealing to modern buyers.
They’re Ready for Something Different
There is a restlessness in the human spirit that seeks to break free of the confinement of routine, to create each day anew. In other words, sometimes we just get bored of our surroundings. Over the last four years, large swathes of people had the opportunity to reassess their priorities. Many found they simply weren’t happy with the status quo and began implementing changes to realize bigger goals. So, instead of staying put, they’re opting to pack it up, move away, and reinvent their lives.
Then there are retirees who raised families and or managed decades long careers who are no longer tethered by the strings of professional responsibility. So, they’ve opted to chase the sunshine, retreat to the mountains, or find somewhere with amenities and services that better cater to their new lifestyle.
They’re Not Really Moving- They’re Purchasing a Second or Vacation Home
That’s right. There are people who are maintaining primary residences in their home town and purchasing a second homes elsewhere. If you can afford to do so and you love spending time on the ski slopes, why not buy a smaller more-economic getaway home near by? Or maybe a hunting camp, a condo on the waterfront, or an investment property. These people are not moving full time, just part of the time.
If you or someone you know is considering a move for any reason, be sure to consult with a licensed real estate professional at your local Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty branch office. Our REALTORS receive industry-best training and have access to the most up to date tools and resources to assist you on your real estate journey.