Six Super Bowl Rings and Six Other Reasons to Buy a Home in Pittsburgh!

Date: May 12, 2016

Just last week, we offered a little advice on what to do if you are not able to buy your dream home in your ideal location. Today, we’re going to give you a few reasons why our home, Pittsburgh, should be that ideal location.

As you may expect, we’re awfully proud of our Pittsburgh Pirates, Penguins and Steelers; but, we know our favorite sports teams may not draw every home-buyer to the city. However, in their honor, here are six (you know, the number of Super Bowl rings our Steelers have won) reasons to buy a home in Pittsburgh!

1. Affordability. Pittsburgh has been making list after list of “most affordable” cities for years now (among many other awesome lists!). Thanks to the city’s low cost of living, steady economy, career options and reasonable home prices, Pittsburgh residents find it a bit easier to own a home and still be able to save for things like college or even just their next vacation. 

2. Resiliency. Pittsburgh used to be a city filled with steel mills and pollution. Today, it’s a city filled with beautiful parks, fresh air and Gateway Clipper-loads of state-of-the-art technology! Pittsburgh has shown a resiliency through the ages that not only proves it’s got staying power, but that the best is yet to come!

3. Architecture. Love the design of a colonial or a ranch? Like townhome or city apartment living? Yep, Pittsburgh’s got those and even more home styles to choose from. There are beautiful new constructions, majestic historical homes and everything in between. The Pittsburgh region makes it a whole lot easier to find that dream home at an attainable price point!

4. Entertainment. So, we’ve already mentioned the sports; but, Pittsburgh is not a one-dimensional place to be. There are museums, performing arts, recreational parks and restaurants galore. If you’re into the arts, fine dining or any other type of fun, you can be sure that Pittsburgh’s got something that will entertain the entire family!

5. Education. And, speaking of family, Pittsburgh has several renowned colleges and universities that may just keep your children close to home once they reach their college years! There’s the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Carnegie-Mellon University and countless other educational institutions. Whether it is business, art, medicine or technology, Pittsburgh’s got the educational options and the professional opportunities, too!

6. People. You may not immediately turn into a Yinzer if you buy a home in Pittsburgh, but you’re sure to meet one right away. While you may think that being a Yinzer means being the number one fan of all things Pittsburgh and telling the entire world about it, “Yinzers” also are some of the most down-to-earth, caring and friendly people you may ever meet. So, yeah, that’s a major perk of buying a home in Pittsburgh, too.

Pittsburgh is an affordable, resilient city with lots for its residents to see, do and learn. It boasts many desirable home styles with top-notch neighbors to boot. Frankly, we’re not sure why everyone isn’t picking up and buying a home in Pittsburgh! If you’re ready to explore these six great reasons to buy a home in Pittsburgh and find even more for yourself, start your Pittsburgh Real Estate search today.