Benjamin McIntosh Jr

Benjamin McIntosh Jr


North Hills Regional Office

Call Agent Text Agent

I’m not just here to sell you a house, I’m here to guide you on your journey to finding a home!

Originally from Philadelphia, brought to you by way of the University of Pittsburgh.  I fell in love with the city almost 20 years ago and I’ve never looked back. Despite not being an original Yinzer, I have spent more than half of my life in the Steel City. While adapting to new beginnings, I’ve resided in and explored different neighborhoods throughout Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. I have also had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with many different people from all over; embracing this city and all it has to offer. So needless to say, I know my way around!

Having obtained my degree in Information Sciences and Technology, I still found myself working in the customer facing positions and in the hospitality field throughout college and beyond. My career path has taken me from phone bank employee, to one of the top salesman at Nordstrom department store.  In recent years I have crafted my bartending and serving skills, which have allowed me the opportunity to again meet some great people.  Customer service is and has always been at the center of my career. Being in this industry has helped me develop patience, a unique way of thinking and problem solving, along with the ability to anticipate the clients’ wants and needs and the turn that into satisfaction and happiness.

People are my passion and I enjoy being around my family and friends while having a good time. I can also appreciate staying in and watching crime tv while cooking myself a full course meal. I have been known to cook enough for a family of five (I love leftovers) at midnight while blasting music and dancing! I enjoy traveling, exploring different cultures, and trying different foods. I’m a well rounded individual, and look forward to continuously learning and exploring life and all it has to offer. I also look forward to taking this new  realty journey and I hope to take it with You!

  • Bachelor's Degree in Information Science and Technology
  • Customer Service and Sales Background