
For Real Estate Pros Blog Articles (page 3)

For The Real Estate Professional

Great Expectations -- What Every Consumer Should Expect from their Realtor

Great Expectations -- What Every Consumer Should Expect from their Realtor

By Darrin Friedman Choosing the right real estate agent for yourself can be a somewhat confusing experience. After all, there are choices everywhere! From your aunt who has been in the business so long she used to complete transactions on typewriters instead of computers, to your ex-roommate who got his license 6 months ago -- your options are numerous. But that's not what this blog is abou

That Funky Little Thing Called a Business Plan

That Funky Little Thing Called a Business Plan

By Darrin Friedman Tell the truth. You hate your business plan. No, better yet, you loathe it with the same kind of pure hatred with which Grumpy Cat hates, well, everything.  But why? Well, for many agents it is an agonizing process to create, follow, and keep accountable to a document that we have come to know as an unavoidable yearly process. Moreover, for many, once it is created, w

Building a Brand that Matters

Building a Brand that Matters

By Darrin Friedman Regardless of what point an agent is in their career they are confronted with a simple fact: they are their brand. Whether they realize it or not, they are a product in a marketplace, chosen by consumers for one reason or another to fulfill a service.  The question is was this brand strategically created, or just some organic mesh of unrelated events that created it -

To Team or Not to Team? That Is the Question

To Team or Not to Team? That Is the Question

By Darrin Friedman For many agents in the real estate industry, there comes a time when they must answer one fundamental question: does teaming with one or more other agents benefit me, or should I remain in business by myself as a solo agent? Historically, the question of forming a team has usually come later in the evolution of one's real estate business, when an agent has achieved a c

Does 'Hyperlocalism' Help or Hurt Our Business?

Does 'Hyperlocalism' Help or Hurt Our Business?

By Darrin Friedman Over the past couple of years, those on the more innovative end of the real estate industry spectrum have become fans of “hyperlocalism” -- the practice of marketing oneself as THE expert on a very specific (and sometimes quite small) niche market or geographic area. Many have touted hyperlocalism as the new frontier of doing business in the digital age of social

9 Apps Every Agent Should Use

9 Apps Every Agent Should Use

Evernote: iOS & Android - FREE  By far the best productivity tool on the market. Evernote saves everything -- from the photo of your receipt from lunch, to the pdf of the plane ticket you just bought, to a running tally of your business mileage. Evernote even cross-syncs on the cloud so all your devices have the same information. And if you want to get truly funky, Evernote has a print

Choosing the Right Business Coach

Choosing the Right Business Coach

By Darrin Friedman In a well crafted article posted recently by Inman News, Teke Wiggin discussed the value that our industry places on the hired real estate coach. He supplied survey results to corroborate his findings that, in the end, the return on investment usually outweighs the cost of these programs. However, the article brings up one of the deep, dark secrets of the real estate indus