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Freeze! Five Easy Ways to Prepare Your Home for Cold Winter Days

Freeze! Five Easy Ways to Prepare Your Home for Cold Winter Days

Tis the season for cold weather… fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-ugh! If you’d like to be singing a different tune this holiday season, take some action to prepare your home for the cold, wintry weather that undoubtedly lies ahead.

There are some simple cold weather home maintenance tips that will help to keep your home warm and your spirits bright, even when Old Man Winter comes a knocking.

Here are five ways to prepare for cold winter weather:

1. Bring on the Heat. Whatever way you heat your home, make sure that your heating system is cleaned and inspected annually. Of course, it is much wiser to do this when the weather is mild, so you don’t run into any unwanted cold temperatures inside once winter hits outside. Have your chimney cleaned and inspected or your furnace tested and the filter changed.


2. Ring the Alarms. Once you know that your heating systems are functioning properly, it is time to make sure that your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order as well. You should check the alarms monthly and replace their batteries at least two times each year. If you can’t remember the last time you replaced the batteries, just do it now.


3. Don’t Wait… Insulate! OK, so we’ve checked off heating systems and alarms; now it is time to make sure that none of that warm air escapes through poorly insulated doors, windows, walls or attic spaces. On a windy fall day, check for leaks along the frames of your doors and windows. Where you can notice cold air creeping in, add some caulking or weather stripping. You’ll likely want to call in a professional to make sure that your walls and attic are properly insulated before you’re able to fill that chill yourself.  


4. Amp Up So You Don’t Have a Pipe Down. You may not only need to add insulation so that warm air doesn’t escape through your attic, but you also may need to insulate water lines that run on your outer walls. Insulating these water lines will help to ensure that your water supply doesn’t freeze when the temperatures drop to freezing or even negative degrees.


5. Prepare Your Snow Removal Arsenal. Since the cold weather is inevitable, it is important to have plenty of “weapons” on hand to combat snow and ice. If you have a snow blower, make sure it works and that you have plenty of gas to run it. If your preferred weapon against the snow is a trusty shovel, make sure you know where to find it once the snow begins piling up. You also should stock up on salt, sand or other products to melt ice from your driveway and walkways.

Since Mother Nature and Father Winter are often unpredictable no matter where you live, preparation is the best way to keep your home and your family safe during unexpected cold weather. Despite what actions you take to prepare your home for cold weather, it is also a good idea to prepare an emergency kit that will be ready in the event of severe weather. Include extra water bottles, warm clothes and blankets and keep your kit in an easily accessible location inside your home.

With a little home preparation, you can keep winter’s cold weather outside while you dream of warmer weather inside!