“Why Isn’t My Home Selling?” 10 Reasons Your Home Sale may be Stagnant

Date: July 8, 2016

The heat of the summer selling season is pouring down. You know you’ve heard about it… the neighbors up the street whose home was under contract in merely five days… even your friend across town who received two offers after just days of being on the market… so, why do buyers seem to continue to pass on your home?

This summer is proving to be a great time to sell; so, if home buyers don’t seem to have an interest in your home, you may want to reevaluate your listing.

Here are 10 reasons why your home isn’t selling this summer:

1. The price is wrong. Though we won’t be as blunt as Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore, the wrong price on a home can derail an entire home sale, right from the start. Establishing a price that’s too high can cause otherwise interested buyers to not even give your home a second glance.

2. Your curb appeal is lacking. Speaking of second glances, even if your listing photos entice buyers to see your home in person, a poorly-manicured lawn and landscaping may entice them to drive on by. If a buyer sees that a seller can’t keep up with their curb appeal, they may not even want to take a look inside.

3. Your home is outdated. In this market, few buyers are looking to immediately dump money into fixing up a home. Even if your home is structurally-sound, if your appliances, cabinetry, flooring or other features are in need of upgrading, buyers may pass on all of that expensive work.

4. Your paint is obnoxious. Yes, you may have thought all of those bright hues gave your home a vibrant glow. But, when it is time to sell, you want to give prospective buyers a blank palette to work with. Go neutral with your paint and give buyers their own opportunity to create!

5. Your home is too personal or cluttered. We know you’re proud of your professional accomplishments and you love to show off your beautiful family photos. But, when your home is on the market, leave those personal details to your social media sites. Buyers want to envision themselves in their future home, not see remnants of previous owners everywhere they turn. Similarly, buyers may have a hard time envisioning your space if they can’t see it due to excessive clutter. Do yourself a favor and store some home décor before buyers begin to browse your home.

6. You haven’t properly marketed your home to the right buyers. Are your potential home buyers on social media? Is your listing? Do you expect all home buyers to drive by and see the “For Sale” sign in your yard? Marketing is everything when it comes to selling a home. Make sure you are targeting all buyers with your advertising efforts.

7. Your listing photos don’t do your home justice. This goes hand-in-hand with properly marketing your home. Professional listing photos are a must in home sales. Listing photos should be well-lit and clutter-free. Oh yeah, and there should be a lot of them. Anything less can lead even the most well-appointed home to get no looks from buyers.

8. You tried the old “For Sale by Owner” trick. You didn’t, did you? Some sellers think a FSBO is the way to go, but the stats simply disagree. For Sale By Owner listings have proven to be harder to advertise; they take longer to sell; and, routinely sell for less than agent-listed homes. Real estate agents have the means and savvy to sell a home faster – and for more money!

9. You can’t stay away. We know you’ve got a lot to say about how great your home is, but you’ve got to let it do the talking when it is on the market. When buyers tour through your home, leave. It’s that simple. Though you may be the most knowledgeable party when it comes to your home’s features, buyers just don’t want you peering over their shoulders while they’re touring.

10. You’re ignoring buyer feedback. Maybe your home is getting a lot of first looks; maybe you’re even getting some great feedback from buyers. Are you listening to the constructive criticism that may be pouring in? Buyers are more than happy to be honest about what they like and don’t like about homes they see. Listen to their feedback and if you’re able to make small changes to increase your home’s appeal, do it!

While no seller may want to hear why their home isn’t selling, they all want to sell their homes as quickly as possible and for the most money. So, if your home just won’t sell, take a step back to see what may be stopping it.