Weekend Warriors Unite! Finish These 8 Weekend Renovations Before Labor Day!

Date: August 7, 2015

OK, summer procrastinators! There are four weekends left until Labor Day, which means there are four great opportunities for some small weekend home projects that can make a big impact on your interior and exterior décor!

Here are eight great weekend renovation projects that will boost your home into fall:

Get Caulky – Make a day of replacing old caulking in your bathrooms. Whether it’s cracked or just disgustingly dingy, remove the old caulking and brighten up that space with a new layer. Not only will it look better, but fresh caulking will prevent water from leaking around the tub, sink and toilet!


Primp the Pantry – If the weatherman is calling for rain, plan to spend the day inside putting your pantry in order. You can find inexpensive (and cute) plastic bins for storage and attach (equally stylish) labels for better organization. Your pantry will look good and the next time you’re searching for that certain spice you use only once or twice a year, you’ll know right where to find it!


*If you’re feeling up to it, this organization tip could translate to any closet space in your home!


Hone in on House Numbers – Maybe you’ve never thought much about your house numbers; but, maybe you should! Either spend an afternoon shopping for house numbers that will give your home a more personal feel or simply unscrew your current house numbers and add a coat of fresh paint that will make them pop. You may be surprised what that simple change will do for your front door décor!


Hang in There – No, this is not a tip for coping once you realize that summer is on its way out. If you’ve got a lot of clutter in your basement or garage, consider cleaning up that floor space by using some of your open wall or ceiling space! Hang hooks for rarely used items. Adding just a few hooks can make a big impact on your available space!


Light Up Your Landscaping – You don’t have to hire a professional landscaper to add some ambiance to your curb appeal. You can do it yourself in a weekend’s time! Start by lining your walkway with decorative light fixtures and add a little uplighting for an awesome night-time view. In the process, you’ll also be adding a little extra home security!

Upgrade Your Outdoor Entertaining Area – Now, we’re not talking about building a deck or patio over the weekend; but, you can do a lot for your outdoor entertaining scene in just a couple days. You’ve likely got a grill, but adding a stylish cart to stash your favorite spices, tools or serving dishes may elevate you to grill-master status in no time! If you’re used to serving your guests beverages from your largest Coleman cooler, consider splurging on a drink cart that is sure to impress!


Bring the Heat with a Fire Ring – Don’t you wish you could ensure that your summer nights outside lasted long into the fall? You can, by adding a fire pit that will keep you cozy, even when temperatures begin to drop! We can’t think of anyone who doesn’t enjoy relaxing around the fire, so why not buy a fire ring for the backyard or build your own in a weekend’s time!


Get a Jump on Next Year’s Gardening – For the most part, the growing season may be over for many of this year’s crops; but, if you’ve always yearned for fresher fruits and vegetables and you don’t mind getting your hands a little dirty, you can create a raised garden bed that will yield your share of crops next year! To construct this weekend project, you can find used pallets, wood scraps or get as creative as you’d like!

Well, now that you’re armed with eight worthy weekend renovation projects, what are you waiting for? Start this weekend. Labor Day is on its way!