Tips for Selling Your Home in Winter

Date: December 12, 2012

While it is good to market your home year-round, selling a home in winter can bring a few challenges you don’t find in summer. The weather doesn’t always provide the best lighting or atmosphere, your lawn is brown, the trees are dead, and it’s cold. However, with proper staging, you can really make your home stand out from the competition.

1)      Keep the Walkways Clear: One of the biggest tips for selling Allegheny County real estate in winter is to keep snow and ice off of the walkways, sidewalk, and driveway of your house. Shoveling helps sketch out the house’s exterior because of the striking contrast with the snow. Also, it won’t make a good impression on clients to have them struggle through snow just to get to your door.
2)      Set the Heater: Having a warm home can instantly create a welcoming and cozy environment, especially when coming in from the outside. It may also encourage visitors to stay longer to look around. If you have a fireplace, lighting it up would give the home a little more ambiance (and prove that it’s fully functional).
3)      Use Bright Lighting: Take advantage of what little natural light there is by encouraging your realtor to show during the daytime. Clean your windows, curtains, and blinds, and leave window coverings wide open. Clean lamp shades and switch out the light bulbs for ones with higher wattages. Before you show the house, turn on all the lights to create a bright, spacious interior.
4)      Stage for a Party: Bring out the good silver and fine china for this one. Lay out a festive table arrangement in your home, and even have warm cider or a batch of cookies out. Making these ahead of time can also spread a warm aroma through your house. Set the tone by playing soft classical music in the background. Giving buyers a hearty welcome through touches like these can create a strong impression on how they view the house overall.
5)      Air Out the Home Beforehand: You may have gotten used to the smells of your home, but not everyone may take to them as well. Pet smells, cigarette smoke, and musky scents may make some buyers uncomfortable in your home. Have your real estate agent or a friend go through your house and give it the sniff test. You may have to wash your curtains, or have your carpets and furniture cleaned. Particularly in winter, people tend to shut themselves in, allowing smells and stale air to build up. This is why homes for sale should be aired out frequently.
6)      Sell Winter Features: Although winter may not have all the benefits of summer, it has its own advantages that may not be apparent in other seasons. With the leaves fallen from the trees, some homes have incredible winter views. The snow may also give your area an attractive landscape. Be sure to bring these traits up to people who come through your house, or point them out to your realtor.
There are many little touches that can enrich the beauty and appeal of a home for sale in winter. To find out even more tips, contact our real estate agents to discuss easy and helpful winter marketing strategies.