Thinking Spring? Your Annual Checklist has Sprung!

Date: March 20, 2015

Ah, sweet springtime… birds chirping, flowers blooming and housework looming. While you may at least be looking forward to two of those sure signs of spring, the third is inevitable; and, yes, we’re talking about spring cleaning.

Since spring officially kicks off today, it is time to stare your spring cleaning tasks in the face and determine the best way to tackle them with enough time to actually enjoy the spring season, both indoors and out!

To expedite your home-cleaning process this spring, we’ve compiled a checklist to keep you on task. Here are some must-do spring cleaning tasks that will have your freshly-cleaned home blossoming into the season of renewal:

The Basics:

Start your spring cleaning by wiping away any signs of winter from your home and do so from top to bottom… very literally. Begin by wiping down your ceilings as well as any light fixtures and fans; then, move to the walls and windows and proceed down to your flooring. Spring is the perfect time of year to not only wash your windows, but also to wipe down the screens. It also is a great time to freshen up your curtains or drapes and dust off your blinds. When it comes to floors, shampoo and vacuum rugs and carpets; and, don’t be afraid to wax hardwoods and vinyl floors. If you can’t recall the last time you changed the batteries in your smoke alarms or replaced your furnace filter, add those homeowner maintenance tasks to your spring cleaning checklist as well.

The Nitty Gritty:

Once you do a top-to-bottom cleanse of your home, it will already begin to feel a little fresher and that’s when it is time to tackle some of the down-and-dirty tasks that can accompany your spring cleaning. You’ll want to dust everywhere and everything in your bedrooms, family room and all the way to the kitchen. Use the top-down approach here as well. In the bedrooms, flip the mattresses and freshen the linens. Wipe down any and all upholstery throughout your home. In the kitchen and bathrooms, wipe down sinks and countertops and reseal grout there, too.

The Even Grittier:

If you think that wiping down upholstery and resealing grout are tedious tasks, you may be surprised at our next suggestions for your spring cleaning checklist. So, you think you’ve done a deep clean of your kitchen, right? Have you opened your refrigerator or freezer doors, other than to grab a drink or snack during your spring-cleaning process? Spring is the time to clean out, defrost and check for expired dates on each item in your refrigerator. And, what about the garbage disposal? Once you’re done there, move to your closets and take a similar inventory, looking for wardrobe items that are “expired.” Donate anything you don’t wear to make room for those new spring items you’ve been eyeing. Finally, if you’ve still got some energy for organizing this spring, tackle your attic and basement. Those may seem like particularly daunting tasks for spring cleaning, but imagine the feeling you’ll have when they’re in tip-top shape!

The Great Outdoors:

OK, your home’s interior is renewed! Now, to head outdoors… unfortunately, we don’t mean that it’s time to enjoy the outdoors, at least not yet. There are a few outdoor homeowner tasks that should make your spring cleaning checklist this year, too. Just like you scrubbed down everything inside, spring is a great time to scrub down your siding, decks or porches, driveways and sidewalks. A power washer may be the perfect tool for completing these tasks. Clean your gutters out for the spring season and wipe down your outdoor furniture… it’s almost time use it, we promise! Complete your spring cleaning makeover by touching up any chipped paint or by repainting altogether with a fresh, springy color!

Finally, less of a task and more of a tip. Motivate yourself to complete each small item on your spring cleaning checklist by setting a timer; then, race against the clock to get each task done! Now, you’re armed with your spring cleaning checklist; it’s time to tackle it. Check out our guide for completing your spring cleaning tasks in no time.