Thinking Spring? Cleaning Tips You Won’t Want to Forget

Date: March 28, 2013

Well, despite what Punxsutawney Phil predicted or how Mother Nature has been acting thus far – spring has sprung!  Our forecast?  Embrace it and get started on your spring cleaning.  We’ve compiled a list of must-do spring projects for homeowners that may actually add value to a home or keep homeowners insurance down – so, get to it!

After fall – if you can even remember that long ago – and a winter that just won’t go away, leaves are outdoor enemy #1.  So, if you thought you could get away without giving your gutters a good spring cleaning, think again.  You’ll want to check the lawn for stray leaves, too.  They may seem harmless, but they can suck the life out of your grass or flowerbeds.

Once you’re ready to “leaf” that alone (yes, we went there), it’s time to give your garage a little love, too.  You’ve been tracking chemicals from your car in there all winter, not to mention the massive amounts of clutter that have found a home there by default.  While you’re organizing, don’t be afraid to get rid of at least some of that junk – Waste Management’s Bagster is a convenient, low-maintenance way to dispose of many of spring cleaning’s little messes.

OK, now you’re on a roll… keep it going by giving your home a new coat... of paint that is – not the one you picked up for yourself at the mall last weekend.  Although, you know how good you feel in it?  Imagine how good you’ll feel pulling up to a house with crisp shutters, sparkling doors and vibrantly-painted siding.

Alright, you’re almost there, but don’t forget the annual pig roast’s main stage – your deck needs a refresher, too.  Winter weather can do a number on your deck; so, dig out the power washer, rinse and restain before you plan to entertain.

Our final tip for making sure your home is so fresh and so clean this spring?  Make it a family affair.  Cleaning up the gutters and yard, reorganizing your garage, painting the house and power washing the deck are necessary evils… but, they’re massive tasks for just one person.  Make a game out of tackling those tasks and you’ll be surprised just how soon summer actually arrives.

Now, you’re armed and dangerous… get cleaning!