Tapping into your Finances: 5 Apps to Help with Financial Planning

Date: May 27, 2014

It may be hard to believe, but we’re about to reach the half way mark of 2014, which leads us to ask… how are we coming along with those carefully-thought-out resolutions that we started off with this year?

If keeping a closer eye on your finances or saving some money in 2014 in hopes of buying a new home or making some major home renovations were at the top of your resolution list, but you’ve fallen off the wagon so far this year, there is some high-tech help out there that will have your numbers successfully crunched in no time.

In fact, there is a ton of high-tech money management help that is available at your fingertips. We’ve narrowed down the field to five great apps that are certain to assist with your financial goals:

1. Mint Personal Finance – One of the biggest issues that many people run into when they are trying to save money is identifying exactly where they are spending it. With the Mint app, you don’t have to categorize your spending, because the app is ready and waiting to do that for you. Not only will it map out where you are spending, but it will help you to set bill reminders and alerts, so that you’re making all of your payments on time. In fact, the Mint app even offers financial tips and advice.

Along with saving money, the Mint app can help you pay down debt, too. Of course, these are two of the biggest things that mortgage lenders look at when you go to apply for a home loan. If your big reason for saving money in 2014 is to buy a house, the Mint app may be your perfect companion.

2. LearnVest – There is nothing better to help keep you on your financial toes than receiving personal financial advice and that is exactly what the LearnVest app provides via a free 15-minute call with a financial planning expert. In addition to the personal advice, the LearnVest app can connect your financial accounts and will allow you set and track your financial goals from anywhere.

If you’re planning to buy a house or want to make hefty home renovations, certainly talking with a professional planning expert will come in handy as you’re trying to save!

3. SavedPlus – So, saving up for that new home purchase was part of your 2014 plan, but you’re doing a lot better at spending than you are saving? Look no further than the SavedPlus app! With truly little to no effort, the SavedPlus app will force you to save money.

The app works with your bank so that each time you make a purchase, a percentage of that purchase is deposited into your savings account. Yes, you dictate what that percentage is; but, the SavedPlus app ensures the money goes into your savings account and not directly into your spending pockets!

4. Manilla – Is organization what’s keeping you from your 2014 savings plan? Thanks to the Manilla app, you can no longer blame those stiff, creamy-colored folders for your financial planning woes. This app is an all-in-one financial planner that can track everything from your bank and credit card accounts to your magazine subscriptions and cleaning services. Not only will the Manilla app track your accounts, it will remind you to pay your bills on time, too!

So, if you need that no-excuses help with your financial planning, the Manilla app is ready to tell you what you owe and when you owe – without the paper trail!

5. Check – Speaking of eliminating paper trails, late payments and even overdraft fees, the Check app may be the answer to all of your “how to boost your credit score” prayers. Not only will the app remind you when your payments are due, but it will allow you to either pay them immediately or schedule a future payment.

When you’re planning to apply for a mortgage and you want to make sure your credit score is as high as it can be, the Check app may just be your financial best friend!

With all of the financial planning and money management technology that is truly at our fingertips, there has never been a better time to set, stay with and reach financial goals. Whether budgeting, saving or simply organizing your finances in hopes of making a home purchase or completing a renovation project in 2014 are a part of your financial plan, tap in to the available apps and start to meet your goals today!

For more financial advice, contact a loan officer at PA Preferred Mortgage.