Memorial Day Gathering Ideas

Date: May 15, 2020

The pools might not be opening this year, but that doesn’t mean you cannot spend your Memorial Day Weekend ringing in the summer and having a ton of fun! From having a bonfire with your family and friends to going on a long hike, there is still plenty to do! Outdoor activities are a great way to still spend time and celebrate with people while still practicing social distancing!


Head to Ohio Pyle State Park

Memorial Day Weekend is the perfect time to get your mileage up and take a great hike at Ohio Pyle.  Pack a lunch, bring the pups, and hit one of the many trails the park has to offer! There are trails that range from a half-mile all the way up to 10 miles and trails in between that are accessible for all ages levels of hikers.  If you can’t make it all the way to Oho Pyle, be sure to check out other local places to hike around Pittsburgh!


Host a Bonfire 

Grab all of your family to heat up your Memorial Day with a bonfire. Be sure to buy enough graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate for when the sweet tooth hits. There’s nothing better than having a small get-together with a bonfire and s’ mores! This Memorial Day Weekend is the perfect time to celebrate, and enjoy good company and fun at a safe distance of course!


Have a Backyard Barbeque

Did someone say BBQ? Spice up your Memorial Day with some burgers and hot dogs on the grill. Invite your friends and neighbors over for some good food and great times, staying six feet apart, of course! Consider organizing it potluck-style so each guest brings a side, drink, or dessert. You can even print a BBQ apron with some of your favorite photos for creative ways to celebrate Memorial Day.


Take a Bike Ride Around Downtown Pittsburgh

This weekend, get your bike out of the garage and explore the city of Pittsburgh.  Take a ride throughout the many neighborhoods, check out the Point, and maybe even get take out in the Strip District.  If you don’t have your own bike, check out one of the many bike rental shops around the city.  Healthy Ride has stations all around the city and you can rent by the amount of time you need!


Whether you create the perfect backyard cookout or finally kayak for the first time this season, you will be sure to have a great weekend in store. Great weather is in the forecast, so get out and safely enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!