Laundry Room Maintenance for Busy Homeowners

Date: September 25, 2014

Keeping your appliances running is a necessity for busy homeowners, and few appliances endure more wear and tear than your clothes washer and dryer. To keep your washer and dryer workhorses in tip top shape, you may want to consider the following maintenance tips:



Keeping your washer and dryer working is easy, but if you neglect this work you may soon find yourself with an expensive repair bill. Remember not to overload your washer or dryer, as repeatedly doing so can significantly reduce its lifespan. If you are worried about the high cost of repairing or replacing an appliance, consider investing in an HMS® Home Warranty. A home warranty will reduce your liability and help protect your household budget against unexpected repair costs.

HMS Home Warranty is an industry leader with over 30 years of creating success for clients and providing peace of mind for customers.  To learn more click