Just Moved? Make Your New Place Feel Like Home in No Time!

Date: May 28, 2013

Now that Memorial Day has passed, summer is unofficially underway and you know what that means… tis the season for picnics, pool parties and backyard barbeques!  But, what if you’ve just moved in to a new house?  How can you make sure your new space is ready for entertaining… at the very least, entertaining you?

Here are five quick and easy ways to help make your new place feel like home:

1. Start Small

You don’t want your new place to look exactly like your old one.  Frankly, it would be impossible to try to recreate that same look and feel.  So, don’t hurry to put all of your old knick knacks out and paint every room.  Do adorn your new walls with a splash of color or hang some of your favorite artwork or photos.  There’s nothing that will make you feel more at home than seeing the familiar faces of friends and family.

2. Get Groceries

Unpacking boxes and finding the perfect spots for all of your items is not only tiring, but it also can make you hungry.  Sure, trying out all of the local dining options near your new home is enticing; but, there’s just something about opening up your new pantry and finding your favorite snacks there.  So, stock up!  You’ll feel better and you’ll have more energy to keep unpacking.

3. Follow your nose

Maybe it’s the scent of your favorite wood polish or that citrus-infused all-purpose cleaner that you swear by.  Maybe it’s your go-to, vanilla-scented candle or the “fresh linen” air freshener that you can’t resist.  The nose knows.  Adding your favorite smells to any new place is an easy way to bring an instant sense of home.

4. Enlist help

Don’t be afraid to invite your old friends and new neighbors over to visit… and do ask for their help.  You can order a pizza as a simple way to say “thank you” for their help with moving that solid-oak curio.  If you’re really feeling adventurous, host a small dinner party to treat your helpers to one of your favorite recipes.  That’s what friends… and neighbors… are for!

5. Rest, Rest and... Rest!

For a few reasons: (1) Obviously, you’re going to need your energy to make your new place feel like home. (2) Everything WILL get done, so don’t be afraid to relax a little.  (3) Finally, nothing will feel better than sleeping in your own bed at the end of a long day of unpacking.  In fact, you may want to consider putting the task of making your bed at the top of your priority list!