Inspect the Best: What Sellers Need to Know about Home Inspections

Date: April 16, 2013

The phrase “necessary evil” has never been more appropriate than when used to describe a pre-sale home inspection.  Thanks to shows like HGTV’s “Holmes on Homes,” home buyers and sellers alike know not only what to look for, but what can be missed – and potentially be costly – in a pre-sale home inspection.

So, if you’re on the selling end of that equation, what can you do to make sure your home inspection goes as smoothly as possible?

First of all, know the facts.  Home inspections come pretty standard with home sales these days, hence the phrase, “necessary evil.”  They can last anywhere from two to three hours and buyers can even go along!  Basically, what inspectors are looking for are structural and mechanical conditions that may cause serious issues in time.

Yes, someone will be scanning your home with a fine-toothed comb; what should you do about it?  Be as proactive as possible.  Some home sellers will hire their own home inspector to make sure there are no surprises (If this is an option for you, find a pro at  But, also, keep this in mind:  no home is perfect.  If you find issues during your home inspection, take care of them – don’t take it personally.

If you hire a home inspector who finds a problem that you don’t deem worthy of repair, make sure you tell your realtor about it… for a couple of reasons.  First of all, some states require that disclosure.  Secondly, if you choose not to fix a potential problem, letting buyers know that you’ve at least addressed it by adjusting your home’s offer price may be enough to ease their worries.

When it is time for your potential buyer’s home inspection, do yourself, the inspector and possible buyer a favor:  leave.  The inspector needs to be able to thoroughly review your home and the buyer may have questions or concerns during the process.

Once the inspection is over, it is important to note that most states only require inspectors to report their findings to their clients… read, the buyer; so, if something major is found, sellers may not hear about it until they reach the renegotiating table.
What do you do if something major is found during the buyer’s home inspection?  Well, don’t act surprised.  Many home buyers expect to make improvements to the homes they purchase.  They may not even find inspection results to be as negative as you think.

If you do need to make repairs to sell your home after an inspection, make sure you request multiple bids from contractors.  Maybe you will be able to have the repair completed for less; maybe the repair isn’t as costly or urgent as first thought; maybe there is another compromise?

The moral of the story is, that “necessary evil” is not so evil and what you deem as a “bad” inspection does not have to be a deal breaker when you’re selling your home.  Be prepared by knowing the process and your options.