Spring into Action! Prepare Your Home for Warmer Weather!

Date: March 13, 2017

The start of daylight saving time also signals the upcoming arrival of the spring season, which is now just days away!

Finally, we can look forward to bright blooms, chirping birds and… um, you know, spring home maintenance. It may not smell as sweet or sound so pleasant, but spring cleaning and maintenance are two certain signs of the season.

If you’re ready to prepare your home for spring, but not sure where to get started, we’ve compiled just the list for you! Here are 10 ways to prepare your home for spring:

1. Show your roof some respect. It may not have been the harshest of winters, but cold, wet and icy weather can do a number on your roof. As the seasons change this spring, call in a professional to make sure you don’t have any lost or damaged shingles or roof leaks in need of repair.

2. Go through the gutters. If you feel like you’re doing this seasonally, that is a good thing! Clean, clear gutters and downspouts mean that you’re ensuring water flows away from your home, precisely where it should! Clogged, cluttered gutters only create other home issues.

3. Check for concrete cracks. If water happens to be flowing toward your home, it may be causing your foundation to crack or move. If you see any signs of this around your home, call in a contractor right away. Letting this slide could result in a structural issue and that may be an expensive fix!

4. Inspect your decks, porches and patios. After all, you’re going to want to use them soon – make sure they’re safe first. Look for loose railing and cracks here, too. Make sure your outdoor living areas are ready in time for entertaining season!

5. Get handy with your HVAC system. Another seasonal check that falls on the spring maintenance schedule is scanning your HVAC system. When planning to switch from heating to air conditioning, it is a good idea to have a professional come in to make sure everything is in good working condition.

6. Scan your screens. Of course, the spring season means it is time to open our doors and windows to allow that fresh air to fill our homes. Be sure that fresh air is the only thing coming in by carefully scouring the screens of your doors and windows to look for holes. If you see a hole large enough for anything creepy to crawl into, repair or replace your screens now!

7. Make time for trimming. Speaking of things creeping around outside, now is the time to cut back your bushes. You’ll give yourself a great start to spring lawn maintenance and you’ll easily see beautiful new buds as they begin to bloom!

8. Look over lawn-care tools. You’ll already have to get some of them out to prune your hedges, anyway! While you’re at it, haul out your mower and trimmer to ensure they’re prepped for pruning season. If not, start to pay attention to spring deals at home improvement stores!

9. Hone in on your hoses. Along with mowing comes a little watering, too. So, after you know that all of your lawn tools are ready, scan your hoses, sprinklers and outdoor faucets to make sure they all have survived the winter as well.

10. Put that hose under some pressure! So, your hoses and outdoor faucets are fully prepared to flow? Test them out! Give your home a fresh look by pressure washing the siding before that spring sunshine shows off any dirt.

Now, we know that our spring maintenance list is missing one major mission, but spring cleaning just goes without saying anymore, right?! For some helpful hacks to that annual task, check out our easy approach to spring cleaning!