How to Get Bad Odors Out of Your New Home

Date: June 21, 2016

So, maybe you didn’t notice it when you first toured through your new home; after all, you were enamored with the place and already envisioning where you would put all of your belongings, not to mention trying to decide how you might decorate. You may not have even noticed it during your final walk through; after all, you were on your way to closing and owning a new home. What “it” could be more powerful than that?

How about those lingering scents that you now can sense in your new home? Talk about leaving something behind!

If you’ve just moved in to a new home that you love only to find that the previous owners left some not so savory scents behind, you know, like cigarette smoke, food and pet odors or other musty smells, there are some things you can do to rid yourself of those unwanted leftovers before they put a damper on that new home infatuation you’re feeling.

First and foremost, let some fresh air in your new home! Mother Nature will be happy to work wonders on removing any old scents that previous owners left behind. So, open your windows while you’re getting settled.

As you’re putting all of your own items in their new places, if you come across the source of a less than savory odor, get rid of it! If you find something left in a refrigerator, pantry, cabinet, closet or drawer, get it out of your new home immediately. Wipe down the affected area and if that does the trick, great! If not, neutralize the foul odor with something that will absorb the scent, like baking soda, vinegar or even coffee grounds.

The home inspection you had completed during the closing process probably would have detected any signs of mold in your new home. But, if you feel as though something smells musty, you may want to check the air ducts to make sure that they’re clear.

Now for a scent that no nonsmoker can bear… if the previous owners of your new home left behind the odors or even stains from their smoking habit, you may need to call in the heavy artillery. By that, we mean that you can start with a complete wipe down of your home, from the walls to the windows and floors. If those smoky smells and stains just won’t go, you may need to replace flooring or repaint the walls.

But, what if you find a scent in that new home you love that you simply can’t identify? You’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom; maybe you’ve even hired a cleaning service to ensure you’ve covered every crevice. If there’s an unsavory mystery scent in your new home, call in a professional. Something that may seem like a mild odor could end up being serious, like a gas leak. And, that’s something dangerous you don’t want to cover up!

We get it; having to rid your new home of an old, lingering smell really stinks! But, there are a few ways to quickly do it so that you can fully enjoy that new home feel in no time! Now, doesn’t that make total “scents?!”