Get Out of Your Dreams and into Your Home!

Date: May 5, 2016

Barbie has a dream house, so, why can’t we all? Before we even begin to list the reasons, let’s also remember that Barbie’s held every career title from veterinarian to rock star and she’s also had the perfect body for over half a century. So, she’s probably the last person we should be trying to measure up to.

Regardless, we’ve all got a vision of what our dream home would be. For some, it’s an urban loft in the heart of a bustling city. For others, it’s a spacious Colonial on acre after acre of property without a neighbor in sight. Because life happens, things like our careers, our family needs and our budgets (and, yes, simply because we’re just not Barbie) may prevent us from being able to buy our dream home in our ideal location.

Instead of simply giving up on our dream homes until “some other time,” what can we do to salvage some of our home aspirations in the here and now?

1. Know your budget. Well, if this isn’t just an instant buzzkill, particularly if the reason you can’t have your dream home in your ideal location right now just so happens to be financial. But, the fact remains that a person’s budget dictates their home-buying process. You’ve got to know what you can afford before you before you can make any home-buying dream become a reality.

2. Know what features you MUST have. From hardwood floors to a three-car garage to a fenced-in backyard to proximity to public transportation, entertainment and everything in between, there are certain home features that comprise your dream home. Of course, those features differ for everyone, but there have got to be one or a few that you simply cannot do without. Since you may not be able to have your dream home in your ideal location right now, determine what your “can’t-do-without” features are before you begin your home search.  

3. Know what features you MUST NOT have. From hardwood floors to a three-car garage to a fenced-in... yep, as much as one person may just “have to have” those features, another person may want to avoid them at all costs. So, just as you create a “must have” home features list, you’d also better create a “must not have” list. Decide what home features you simply won’t put up with – dream home or not!

4. Know someone who can help. So, you know your budget and you’ve got your lists of what you can’t do without and what you can’t deal with. Great, how are you ever going to find a home that even slightly resembles your dreams  under those circumstances? Find an experienced real estate agent who knows the local market to help you find a home you’ll be happy to call your own.

5. Know that it doesn’t have to be forever (but, it could be!). Just because you are prepared to buy a house that you don’t consider your dream home doesn’t mean that it may not fit that bill one day. Be willing to see potential in a home and you may be able to turn what seems to be a less than dreamy house in a meh location into your perfect dream home in an ideal spot. If not, keep in mind that this home doesn’t have to be yours forever, but that it may put you one step closer to home of your dreams!

Whether or not you ever played with Barbie, when it comes to your dream home, you can play like Barbie and realize aspects of your ideal dream home in your actual home. Start looking at Pittsburgh real estate now!