An Easy Approach to Spring Cleaning!

Date: March 8, 2016

We’ve made it to March and with the exception of a few straggling snow flurries, here’s hoping that spring’s arrival is upon us! While everyone may be excited for the warmer weather, bluer skies and greener trees, it is likely that there are not too many people who are excited about tackling that long list of spring cleaning duties that seem to be looming ahead.

But, that annual chore brings such a sense of renewal and satisfaction to the home that spring cleaning is a must-do as the weather turns warmer. To make 2016 spring cleaning a little easier for homeowners everywhere, we’ve created a spring cleaning cheat-sheet that will have your home clean in less time than it takes Mother Nature to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb!

Here’s how you can get a roaring start on your 2016 spring cleaning:

Get Organized

You’ve got to go into your spring cleaning ritual with a plan. Try an easy three-step approach:

1. Make a check-list of must-do areas, so you can track your progress as you go.

2. Limit yourself to one room at a time, so you’re not overwhelmed.

3. Carry around a bucket of often-used supplies, so you’re not running back and forth for needed items.

Spring cleaning already sounds easy, right? Now that you’re armed and ready, it’s time to start with the first room on your list!  

The Kitchen: Without a doubt, the kitchen is one of the most-used rooms in the home. So, making it sparkle and shine early on in the spring cleaning process may give you the satisfaction to propel you though the rest of your cleaning spree. In the kitchen, go from top to bottom and inside out! Wipe down the walls, backsplash, countertops, cabinets, appliances and floors. Since spring is coming and we’re sticking with that whole renewal theme, apply that thinking to your foods as well. When it comes to your pantry, refrigerator and freezer, it’s out with the old (food) and in with the new!

The Family Room: Here, you want to start with your favorite seat. You know the one; it’s smooshed down to your liking, so it’s easy to tell. But, when you’re spring cleaning, you’ve got to avoid the urge to sit down there! Give the cushions a good fluffing and scan the upholstery for spots and stains, like the drop of red wine or salsa that always seem to fall off your favorite snack. You can vacuum the cushions and flip them to give them a fresh look. Move the furniture away from the walls and again, wipe them down from top to bottom, remembering to clean the ceiling fan, blinds and drapes. When it comes to the floors, don’t be afraid to spring for some professional help. Steam-clean carpeting and wax wood floors.

The Bathrooms: For obvious reasons, bathrooms are some of the dirtiest rooms in the home. So, during spring cleaning, they deserve a little extra attention. In addition to the usual wiping (no pun intended), it may take a little extra effort to remove built-up mold, mildew or hard water stains. Call in the heavy artillery if necessary or allow these areas to soak while you’re wiping everything from the walls to the floors. If you keep light-reading in your bathroom, toss out old magazines and give users something new to browse when they’re enjoying their alone time.

Think you don’t have enough time to make your bathroom sparkle? Try tackling this task in the evening, while your kids are splashing around in the tub or brushing their teeth. You’ll be amazed at how little time it actually takes to clean the mirrors and sinks – all while you’re completing your everyday bed-time routine!

The Bedrooms: OK, by now, you’ve probably got the spring cleaning drill down. You’re going to wipe everything from the ceilings to the floors. Again, don’t forget your ceiling fans, blinds and drapes. But, of course, the major focus of the bedroom is the bed! So, give it a spring makeover by rotating the mattress and changing the bedding. When it comes to your night-stands and dressers, allow simplicity to take over. Keep only a few necessities, like reading glasses, your current favorite book and a box of tissues. When you’re done, you’ll have a clean and serene environment to get some well-deserved rest!

Alright, we’ve armed you with a way to get organized and a list of the spring cleaning tasks that will spruce up your home in no time. The rest is up to you. Make a motivating playlist of your favorite tunes and start tackling your 2016 spring cleaning today!