Five Hot Home Improvement Projects to Warm Up to This Winter

Date: December 12, 2017

Now that the holiday season is coming to an end, it may be time for you to start working on some other wishes… you know, that never-ending list of home improvement projects!

This year, don’t feel limited by the fact that cold weather and snow could keep you indoors. Instead, find some perfect places to make a few improvements around your home.

Here are five home improvement projects you can complete this winter:

1. Paint: Though this home improvement project may not be first on your “want-to-do” list, it is one that you can complete in any weather. Plus, you can totally transform your home with a few fresh coats of paint. So, this winter, pick a wall or an entire room and give it a dramatic new look. You may find that you love the change so much, you’ll be inspired to get creative with color in other areas of your home.

2. Declutter: Again, when you think of home-beautifying projects, you likely think about updating flooring or countertops, but perhaps you should turn your thoughts to your closets! Decluttering your home may not be the most exciting home improvement project, but it certainly can be one of the most satisfying. There is just something simply charming about a crisply cleaned space. On a cold winter’s day, pick one of your most jam-packed closets and get to work!

3. Insulate: Speaking of winter’s cold, you won’t have a hard time noticing if it happens to be seeping into your home. If you’re feeling drafts or seeing unusually high heating costs this season, it may be time to take a closer look inside your attic. Adding insulation could solve the mystery of escaping heat. And, what better time to add more warmth to your home than in winter?

4. Regulate temperatures: If you continue to face high heating costs this winter, it may be the perfect time to turn to technology for helping to regulate your home’s heating and cooling. With a programmable thermostat, you can set your home’s temperature based on when you’re at home, at work or asleep in bed. For periods when you’re at work or asleep, turn the temperature down. You’ll save yourself from heating your home when there is little activity inside. Investing in a programmable thermostat is a small price to pay for continued savings!

5. Finish the basement: Still craving a major renovation around your home this winter? Make a dramatic change by finishing your basement. You can turn those concrete floors and walls into a comfortable getaway from… well, everyone if you choose to. Give your home an extra space for entertaining or give yourself that quiet space you’ve always wanted. An unfinished basement is full of opportunities when it comes to renovations.

Whether you complete one or all five of these home improvement projects this winter, you’re sure to shoo away cabin fever. And, if you’re completing these projects in hopes of selling your home this spring, we’ll be happy to help!