Earth Day 2013 – How Going Green Can Save You Some Green!

Date: April 22, 2013

When making your home more energy-efficient is good for the environment and also for you, there truly is no reason not to observe Earth Day – every day.  Do yourself and Mother Nature a favor.  Here are a few easy ways that “going green” can benefit you both. 

If you’re ready to upgrade your appliances, look for that “Energy Star” logo and you’ll already be taking the first step toward energy-efficiency.  But, keeping your old refrigerator in the garage – no matter how tempting – is just like taking two steps back.  Appliance use compromises nearly 20% of your home’s energy bill and Energy Star appliances actually use 10-50% less energy.  It just makes sense!

Another easy way to green your home – whether new or old – is to control the temperature; and, this can be done a number of different ways.  Of course, you can simply turn the thermostat down in cold weather and keep it higher in warm weather – that way, your HVAC system isn’t working quite so hard to keep your home comfortable.  If that’s too much maintenance for you, install programmable thermostats – set them once and they’ll do all the work for you.  How does that benefit you?  Each degree below 68 in winter and above 78 in summer = 3-5% off your energy bill.

LED, CFL… OMG!  Yes, something as small as a light bulb can make a difference for the environment and for your electric bill.  Both LED and CFL bulbs require a slight additional up-front cost; but, their long-term savings are well-worth it… we’re talking $60 per bulb, not to mention the fact that LED bulbs typically last 25 times longer than a traditional bulb… yes, 25 times!  

Pleading for Mother Nature, John Denver urged us all to do it years ago and now your utility bills agree – plant a tree!  If you’ve recently bought or you live in an old home with drafty windows or poor insulation, planting those leafy greens can actually help you save energy.  How?  Just think of the seasons.  While you get to enjoy robust greens in the summer, your home stays shaded and cool.  Bare branches in winter allow the sun’s warm rays to seep through and warm your home.

Don’t know where to start, but ready to get on board with a more eco-friendly home?  Consider scheduling an energy audit to see how you can make your home more energy-efficient.  The experts use specialized tools that can pinpoint areas of your home where you could be saving… energy and money!

Still refusing to “go green” but feel like you should?  Click the link to read an article is perfect for anyone with a case of “green guilt.”  Happy Earth Day!