Eco-Friendly Ways to De-ice Your Walkway

Date: February 24, 2017

At this point in the month, many of us may be questioning the wintry forecast that Punxsutawney’s prognosticating groundhog predicted just a few weeks ago. However, if you’ve lived in the Pittsburgh region for more than one winter, you know that Mother Nature could take a turn and dump an immense amount of snow and ice on us at any time.

So, in spite of this unseasonably warm weather, we’re taking a look at a few ways to de-ice your walkways during winter. After all, what better way to thank Mother Earth for this mild weather than by choosing eco-friendly snow-and-ice-removal methods to protect her with in the future?

Here are three eco-friendly ways to treat snowy, icy walkways in winter:

1. Use Your Muscles: Yep, it’s true. The best way to keep walkways clean during winter is to use a little elbow grease – and, it should be applied early and often. So, when you hear the possibility of snow or ice in the forecast, get your brooms and shovels ready!

Frequently sweeping and shoveling snow and ice from your walkways during winter may even prevent the need for applying any kind of de-icers. The trick to this eco-friendly ice-removal tip? Safety, of course – and, making sure you’re shoveling all the way down to the pavement to keep walkways clear!

2. Brew Up Some Traction: Now, you may be thinking… even if you sweep and shovel snow and ice all the way down to the pavement, wintry conditions still can create slippery surfaces. That is true; but, it also is no reason to start sprinkling or spraying harsh chemicals on the walkways around your home.

Instead, go a more natural route to keep your walkways free from snow and ice during winter. Try sprinkling sand or coffee grinds around to create traction. These alternatives will not help the snow and ice melt away any faster, but they will provide a bit of traction to help keep your walkways safe. Paired with frequent sweeping and shoveling, they may provide a perfect, eco-friendly solution to safe walkways in winter!

3. Select Safe De-icers: It’s a simple fact. Salt and chemical de-icers can harm plants, pets and people. If you’re finding that your elbow grease and traction-boosting methods are not making any headway against winter weather, don’t purchase just any substance on the market. While many may work, they may also harm everything around you.

Instead, opt for a more eco-friendly de-icer. Some brands may actually contain minerals that will fertilize the plants they come in contact with once snow and ice melt away. These ultra-friendly de-icers also are salt-free; so, they will help melt snow and ice away without doing damage along the way! Your pets, children, Mother Nature and anyone who uses your walkways will stay safe – the eco-friendly way!

Only time will tell whether the groundhog was right and we’ll face a few more weeks of winter weather or spring truly is right around the corner. However, choosing to use eco-friendly de-icing methods is a decision we all can have a say in! Do your part to keep your walkways clear and protect our planet by selecting one or all of these eco-friendly de-icing methods in the future!