6 Simple Ways to Save on Your Home Expenses

Date: February 5, 2013

When you’re saving up to put a down payment on a new home or you want to make a few improvements before you list your home for sale or, maybe, you’ve just purchased a brand new home, saving and managing your money is important. Here are a few small ways you can save money on your existing home expenses.


1. Unplug It
You’ve probably been told your whole life to turn off the lights when you leave the room and to keep the thermostat down. While those are great ways to keep your electric bill low, you can also save a few dollars by simply unplugging electronics when they are not in use. Many electronic devices and appliances still use electric even though they are turned off. An easy way to make this change is to plug electronics such as lamps, phone chargers, computers and televisions into a power strip, then unplug only the power strip when they are not in use.


2. Replace Light Bulbs
Replacing your typical incandescent light bulbs with CFLs or LEDs will help you cut down on the amount of electricity you use. Yes, these bulbs costs a little more upfront, but they will save you more in the long run. CLFs use only 25% of the electricity that regular light bulbs use and LEDs only use 2%. Also, try installing dimmer switches to use only the amount of light you need.


3. Fix it Yourself
Hiring a handyman can often be expensive. Before giving him a call, try fixing the problem yourself. There are dozens of do-it-yourself websites and videos online that can help you fix everything from a leaky faucet to drywall holes to squeaky door hinges. Visit our Pinterest Board “Helpful How-Tos for Homeowners” for a collection of common home repairs you can do yourself. Please keep in mind that if you do not feel comfortable making the repair or if the repair includes electrical work, call a trained professional.


4. Cancel Unused Subscriptions
Are telemarketers the only people who call your home phone? Get rid of it! Do you have hundreds of television channels you’ve never clicked on? Cut back on your cable plan. If you’re paying for print versions of newspapers and magazines, try signing up for their digital copy instead. Not only will you be saving paper, digital copies tend to have a lower subscription cost.

5. Pay Bills Online
Aside from saving money on envelopes and stamps, paying bills online can sometimes cost less per month. Some companies offer online or direct debit payment plans that will decrease your monthly bill. Paying online will also help prevent late payments which will in-turn help eliminate late payment fees.


6. Make a Grocery List and Check it Off
Ever go into the grocery store for eggs and come out with three bags of stuff you didn’t necessarily need? Before going to the store, check your local store flyers for sales and coupons. Make a list of the groceries you absolutely need and attach any coupons or sales you find for that item. When you get to the store, stay focused on your list and don’t make any impulse buys.


Saving money can be hard, so continuously reminding yourself of your goal can help keep you focused. If you are still looking at homes for sale, ask the home’s seller what the average utility costs are. Also, check whether or not the windows and including appliances are energy-efficient. It’s good to ask these simple questions upfront and it can also help you determine which home you decide to purchase.