10 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Be Doing... Now!

Date: February 8, 2018

Still striving for a better you in 2018? Have you thought about tackling those sometimes-forgotten home maintenance tasks? As we prepare to transition from winter to spring, now is a great time to get on board with a regular home maintenance routine.

You probably already know that you should clean your gutters and look for air leaks. But, could there be some other home maintenance tasks that you should be doing, but simply are not?

Here’s a list of 10 home maintenance tasks to tackle on a regular basis:

1. Switch the direction of your ceiling fans. You may not need to do this home maintenance on a monthly basis, but the changing seasons are a great reminder to check which way your ceiling fan blades are swinging. In winter, fan blades should spin clockwise to drive warm air down. In summer, fan blades should spin counterclockwise to circulate a cool breeze.

2. Tune up your HVAC system. While you’ve got your mind spinning with home maintenance tasks, call in a professional to help you make sure your heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit is fully functional in each season.

3. Change your HVAC filters. Though you may need to have a professional check your HVAC system a couple times each year, you can handle more regular heating and cooling maintenance. Check your furnace filters monthly and change them as needed during times of heavy use.

4. Inspect the roof. Now, this certainly isn’t a home maintenance task you’ll complete during times of snow and ice. But, once the spring melt hits, you’ll want to inspect your roof for any damage winter weather may have caused. While you’re at it, you should give your entire home exterior a good look.

5. Scan shrubs and trees. Another home maintenance task to complete once the weather breaks is thoroughly inspecting the shrubs and trees around your home. Damaged branches can fall and cause serious problems for your home. Prevent an unseen disaster by removing any dead or damaged branches.

6. Make or refill a disaster preparedness kit. Speaking of disasters, would you and your family be prepared for one? Any time of year is a great time to get prepared. Include things like a radio, flashlights, batteries, mobile phone chargers and enough food and water to last three days.

7. Declutter the garage. This maintenance task may be on every person’s “wish list,” but does it ever get accomplished? Take a spare weekend and tackle it! In any season, you’ll be thankful for the extra organization.

8. And, the basement. Well, you’re on a roll now anyway, right?! Decluttering and cleaning your basement may not be a home maintenance task you regularly plan on, but we’re willing to bet you’ll be relieved once you complete it. Think about the extra things you could donate, sell or simply discard. Plus, you’ll have extra space—and that is always a win!

9. Check the batteries in your smoke detector. This task is the one your parents always told you to do. So, start taking their advice. It’s a simple thing you should remember to do—even just twice a year. Let the start of spring be your start to following that safety maintenance rule!

10. Prune the porch or patio. Since you’re probably now starting to “think spring,” you don’t want to forget to prepare for the outdoor entertaining season! Check your pavement for cracks and reseal your deck or patio if necessary.

These 10 home maintenance tasks may not have been on your “to-do” list. But, once you’re completed, the only thing you’ll have left to do? Enjoy your well-maintained home!