Earth Day, Your Way! 10 Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Projects

Date: April 19, 2018

As Earth Day approaches this weekend, you may be considering doing something nice for Mother Nature. Amping up your recycling efforts, volunteering to pick up trash and planting a few trees are great ways to show our planet some appreciation.

But, did you realize that your Earth Day efforts could also be beneficial for you and your home? Why not celebrate Mother Nature in a way that is also good for your home?

Here are 10 eco-friendly projects that can improve your home:  

1. Create a compost pile. You may already be doing your part to recycle your paper and plastic, but what becomes of your organic waste? If you’re simply tossing items that will decompose in the trash, you could be doing better for Mother Nature—and for your home!  When you create a compost pile, you’re creating natural fertilizer and pest control measures.

2. Consider using rain barrels. Here is another relatively simple example of how Mother Nature can give back—even after she sends a storm to rain down. When you collect water in rain barrels, you help prevent runoff and flooding around your home. You also have an instant supply of water to use on your lawn.

3. Plant a garden. Extra greens around your home help brighten the natural landscape and can support local wildlife. If you also plant a few of your favorite fruits or vegetables, planting a garden can help feed your family too.  

4. Bring Mother Nature indoors. Don’t stop spreading that green outside your home. Adding a few houseplants to your décor can help brighten up your space and improve your indoor air quality.

5. Consult an expert. You can only do so much on your own, right? But, there are energy experts out there, who can help you help you determine where you may be able to make your home more energy efficient. You’ll save energy, which will save you on monthly utility costs!

6. Switch to LEDs. Maybe you’ve upgraded a few of your lighting fixtures already, but making a whole-house switch to energy-efficient lighting is definitely good for both you and the environment. The purchase price of LEDs may be a bit higher than traditional bulbs, but they are long-lasting and use far less energy than other options.

7. Add insulation. While you may not instantly see the beautiful impact that extra insulation can have on your home, you may instantly feel it. Poorly insulated homes allow energy to escape, which makes for higher heating and cooling costs. Adding extra insulation could give your home a new feel—for less!

8. Upgrade your appliances. Appliances like your refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave account for a considerable amount of energy use in your home. Upgrading to more efficient options is good for your utility costs and for the environment!

9. Invest in solar power. Could this be the year that you make a move toward solar energy? With installation costs dropping and federally-funded incentives, solar power is more affordable than ever. If you’re serious about wanting to do something good for Mother Nature that is also great for your home, it may be time to consider solar energy. 

10. Repurpose your kitchen cabinets. If you’re not quite ready to make the jump toward a new energy source and you simply want to give your home a new look, upgrade your kitchen cabinets the eco-friendly way. Refinish your cabinets and switch out the hardware. You’ll give your home a new look for less, without dumping more trash into the environment. If you throw in the energy-efficient appliances, you may not even recognize your old space!

These 10 eco-friendly projects will show your support for Mother Nature and your dedication toward improving your home. Take on one eco-friendly project or embrace them all in celebration of Earth Day!